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theory of social interaction 1 ?社会互动理论 1、社会互动理论(theory of social interaction),认为任何人际关系的本质是相互作用的,互动理论的有效性是“彼此相倚”(双方各自以自己的计划做出反应并相互作用),讲究配合... 2 ?社会相互作用论 Theory of social interaction 社会互动理论 ; 社会相互作用论 Frequency of social interaction 交往频度 social interaction theory 社会互动理论 ..
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Currently, researching of network interaction, in general, proceeds along two theoretical frames: the theory of social interaction, and semiotic perspective. 关于网络互动的研究大体是沿着两个理论框架展开:一是社会互动理论,二是符号学的视角。 - 2
The theory of social interaction, with concentrates on emotional influence over interaction process, opens a new field for studies on emotions by breaking the bound of individuality. 社会互动理论关注情感对互动过程的影响,使情感研究摆脱了个体的束缚,为情感研究开拓了新的视阈。 - 3
Two of these three, impairments in social interaction and in communication with other people, are the results of autists lacking empathy or, in technical jargon, a "theory of mind". 其中社交和与他人沟通这两项能力的缺陷是由于自闭患者缺乏移情能力,或者用科学界术语说,“心理理论”。