释义 |
1 ?曲面嵌入 ... 曲面拟合||surface fitting 曲面嵌入||surface embedding 曲三角剖分||curved triangulation ...
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A seventh extra anchor toward the ceiling, not physically connected, is added in order to maximize double curvature along the surface, and therefore embedding inherent stiffness. 第七个锚朝向天花板而没有物理连接,它的增加使得沿着表面的双曲率最大化,因而嵌入了内在刚度。 - 2
And in the surface of the cement mortar, contains alkaline materials, therefore, embedding common glass cloth fabric, does little. 而在面层砂浆的水泥里,含有碱性材料,因此,埋入普通玻璃纤维网布,起不了什么作用。 - 3
Firstly, a group of lines through the model center depending on a pseudorandom number is generated. Then the intersection points of these lines and the model's surface are chosen as embedding objects. 算法利用伪随机数产生经过模型中心的直线,选取以直线与模型交点为球心的球形邻域作为嵌入对象,通过抖动调制邻域内顶点的重心来嵌入水印信息。