... most of time 时常地 This is the case (情况)就是这样 be keenly aware of 切身体会到 ...
你终于睡醒了 ? You finally wake up 遇到这种情况 ? This is the case 在学校接受过良好教育并不意味着在社会上能取得成就 ? Accepts the good education in the school not to mean can obtain the a...
向前、向后 ? After moving forward, to 这样的话 ? This is the case 但是我有四个好伙伴,他们陪我度过那个时期。 ? However I has four partners, they accompanied me through that period on.
他着急地说 ? He said with worry 情况是这样的 ? This is the case 这样有利于身体健康,还是使交通舒畅 ? This is conducive to good health, or to ease traffic ..