释义 |
1 ?亡灵序曲 ...这种问题本来我是很爱回答的,但是被知道打击了无数次之后,我不会再那样了,全打数字百度会删除,我打了几 the dawn(亡灵序曲)的吉他谱。 2 ?魔兽亡灵序曲 魔兽亡灵序曲(The Dawn) ,魔兽亡灵序,亡灵,序曲,Dawn... 3 ?指环王 ...音乐 气势宏大-The Dawn(亡灵序曲 指环王) 娱乐 指环王3--洛汗骠骑军团帕兰诺平原开战 搞笑 魔戒(指环王)从未公开的结局---讨伐萨鲁曼!
- 1
It was, if you like, the dawn of a new era. - 2
The dawn raids Tuesday were carried out by about 170 policemen. - 3
Science has a cultural history, too, with roots going back to the dawn of civilization.