... 所属州: MA 名字: Rylands 姓: Alfred ...
图书馆 ; 约翰瑞兰德图书馆 ; 约翰赖兰兹图书馆 ; 赖兰德藏书楼
由赖兰兹诉弗莱彻 ; 赖兰兹诉弗莱彻案 ; 莱兰兹诉弗莱切
James Rylands, director of Summers Place Auctions, said the stones were "a real piece of history".
BBC: Giant's Causeway stones sold for ?19,000
The court heard that contemporaneous notes by the officer suggested Mr Rylands had not invited him.
BBC: Cockerel (generic)
The etchings were found during a two-year-long search of the University of Manchester's John Rylands Library.
BBC: Etching by William Blake