... ladle scull 桶内结壳 double scull 双人划船 eight scull 八人赛艇 ...
供应传统桨架二人赛艇(Double scull) 面议 查看详情
双桨项目有包括单人艇(single scull,1*)、双人艇(double scull,2*)和四人艇(quadruple scull,4*)三项;单桨项目则包括单人双桨无舵手(paire-oars without coxswin,2-)单人双桨有舵手(p...
Poland's Olympic champions Tomasz Kucharski and Robert Sycz claimed victory in the double scull race.
BBC: Redgrave stars at Henley
My boyfriend's brother is coaching the men's lightweight rowing and his brother's girlfriend is rowing in the women's double scull.
BBC: How far are you travelling for the Games?