释义 |
1 ?欠债 ... pay one's score 付清帐目 run up a score 欠债 three score (years) and ten 七十岁, 古稀之年 ... 2 ?欠账 ... pay one's score付清账 run up a score欠账 wipe off an old score报宿怨,雪旧仇 ... 3 ?赊买 ... 代买货物帐单 account bought 赊买 account purchase; purchase with credit; run up a score 买货单, 代买货物报告书 bought note ...
- 1
Times this by four judges and for any given run, the athletes can score up to a maximum of 400 points. 次此的4名法官和任何特定的运行,运动员可以评分最高限额为400点。 - 2
Los Angeles closed the quarter with a 22-10 run, playing free and easy and running up the score with some fancy stuff. 湖人以22-10的攻击波结束第三节,打得很自由自在,而且也开始有花哨的得分场面。 - 3
For Chelsey to show up and not run a good score has fear of damaging my own brand. 为了Chelsey的露面,而不是跑一个不错的成绩担心毁掉我自己的品牌。