释义 |
1 ?弄沉 ... send the axe after the helve 坚持做徒劳的事 send to the bottom 弄沉 send up 发出 ... 2 ?打沉 ... see the bottom看到底 send to the bottom打沉,弄沉 sink to the bottom沉到底 ...
- 1
NASA's NEEMO 12 mission will send a pair of astronauts, two doctors and two robotic surgeons to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean for tests inside the Aquarius undersea laboratory. NASA的极端环境实验会将一组由宇航员、工程师和科学家的队伍送至大西洋海地的宝瓶座海底实验室。 - 2
He'd sneak them up the stairs, send Grace home, then stand at the bottom of the stairs, all night, till he could go to work. 他会偷偷把他们带到楼上,把格雷斯送回家,然后站在楼梯底端,整夜,直到他能去上班。 - 3
I have more storms than the wind has, for I serve one who is stronger than the wind, and with a sieve and a pail of water I can send the great galleys to the bottom of the sea. 我的风暴强过狂风,因我侍奉的主子强过狂风。只需一个漏斗一桶水,我便能将这战舰送入海底。