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1 [计]?停机状态 ... 停机指示器 halt indicator 停机状态 stopped state 停起程序 terminator-initiator ... 2 ?停止态 ...幕窗口或者是本身具备透明效果,则该暂停态的 Activity 程序对用户仍然可见,但是不可以与其进行交互; 停止态( Stopped State ): 停止态的 Activity 不仅没有焦点,而且是完全不可见,虽然其也保留状态和成员的信息,停止态的 Activity 会在系统需要的时候... 3 ?停止状态 需要注意的是应用程序的停止状态(stopped state)和Activity的停止状态是不一样的。该系统可以分别管理这两种停止状态。
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These instances are currently executing, as well as instances that need manual resolution, such as those containing activities in stopped state. 这包括正在执行的实例以及需要人工干预的实例,比如包含处于停止状态的活动的实例。 - 2
Instead of Failed, the WriteFile step is in the Stopped state this time, which enables you to perform actions that are not valid for Failed activities. 这次,WriteFile步骤处于Stopped状态而不是Failed,这允许您执行那些对失败的行为无效的操作。 - 3
Repair the activity instance in state stopped, for example, force-retry and force-complete. 修复处于停止状态的活动实例,例如强制重试和强制完成。