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Senate Committee on Finance 参议院财政委员会 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Senate Committee on Finance, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, and Special Committee on Aging; - 2
Republican senator Orrin Hatch, the most senior Republican on the Senate finance committee, issued a statement that was echoed by many of his colleagues. 参议院金融委员会最资深的共和党人,参议员Orrin Hatch发表了一则得到许多同事的支持声明。 - 3
"Riddled with budget gimmicks, this proposal's deficit reduction doesn't even pass the laugh test, " said Senator Orrin Hatch, the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee. 奥瑞。汉赤是参议院预算委员会的共和党高级人士,他说:“在预算编制上做许多手脚,本次提议的赤字削减简直都不能通过玩笑式的测试。”