释义 |
1 ?拜占庭教会 拜占庭教会(Byzantine Church), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 2 ?拜占庭帝国教堂 Hercules),以及西元6、7世纪的拜占庭帝国教堂(Byzantine Church)等,山上还有个 约旦考古博物馆 ( Jordan Archaeological Museum ),展出约旦不同历史年代文物,如西元6000年前古人头骨、雕塑、...
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Aramaic is still spoken here and we walked through a cleft in the rockface from the Convent of st Theda, where mass was in full swing, to the Monastery of st Sergius and its tiny Byzantine church. 我们从正在做礼拜的圣泰德修女院经过山岩前的一个裂缝,走到圣瑟杰斯修道院和属于修道院的小小的拜占庭教堂。 - 2
The city is famous for water tunnels and stone structures carved in the rock, including Ad-Dayr, "the Monastery," an uncompleted tomb facade that served as a church during Byzantine times. 城市以水渠与岩石雕刻工程而闻名,其中包括“代依尔”修道院,一座未完工的陵墓正面外观,它在拜占庭时期被用作教堂。 - 3
The city is famous for water tunnels and stone structures carved in the rock, including Ad-Dayr, “the Monastery,” an uncompleted tomb facade that served as a church during Byzantine times. 城市以水渠与岩石雕刻工程而闻名,其中包括“代依尔”修道院,一座未完工的陵墓正面外观,它在拜占庭时期被用作教堂。