释义 |
- 社会抗议:指人们为了表达对社会问题的不满或要求变革而采取的集体行动。
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There has been much discussion, too, about the role that mobile phones and social media have played in stirring up groundswells of protest in places such as north Africa and the Middle East. 人们也曾讨论过,智能手机和社交媒体在北非和中东的抗议浪潮中所起的煽动作用。 - 2
More than 5,000 Illinoisans gathered on June 23rd to protest against cuts to social services, with a child placed in a coffin for dramatic effect. 6月23日,有超过5,000名伊利诺斯州人聚集起来,抗议削减社会福利,一个躺在棺材里的男孩为抗议增添了戏剧性的效果。 - 3
More than 5, 000 Illinoisans gathered on June 23rd to protest against cuts to social services, with a child placed in a coffin for dramatic effect. 6月23日,有超过5,000名伊利诺斯州人聚集起来,抗议削减社会福利,一个躺在棺材里的男孩为抗议增添了戏剧性的效果。