释义 |
1 ?旋转知觉 ... size perception 大小知觉 person perception 人知觉 ; 人的感知 ; 人际知觉 rotation perception 旋转知觉 ...
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But in "mental rotation," spatial perception, "and" spatial visualization "the advantage goes to men." 但男性在“心理旋转”,“空间感”和“空间形象化”上更具优势。 - 2
With vision noise added to the stimulus pictures, the quality of perception decreased, the mental rotation process postponed, and the onset of the amplitude modulation was delayed. 刺激图片加入视觉干扰后,知觉质量下降,心理旋转加工推后,波幅调制的起始时刻推后。 - 3
Experiment results show that this method can keep good invariance under translation, rotation, scale and mirror, and the retrieved results match human visual perception very well. 实验证明,该方法具有良好的平移、缩放、旋转和镜像不变性,得到的检索结果能很好地符合人的视觉感受。