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1 ?磁心线记忆器 ... 绳包电缆 rope lay cable 磁心线记忆器 rope memory 磁心线储存器 rope storage ...
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Table 4 contains the benchmark results of writing a rope with length 10,690,488 and depth 65 to a stream backed by an in-memory buffer. 表4包含的测评结果是将一个长度为10,690,488、深度为65的rope写入一个由内存缓冲区支持的流的结果。 - 2
Sometimes people's memory is really very strange, like a rope, tightly bind you, is that you could never get rid of. 有时候人的回忆真的很奇怪,如同一根绳子,紧紧地将你绑住,是你一辈子都无法挣脱的。 - 3
This saves the time and memory cost of constructing a String from the rope, which, for large ropes, is enormous. 这样就节省了用rope构建String的时间和内存开支,对于大型rope来说,这种开支是相当巨大的。