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1 ?自我更新 生命科学 关键词:Wnt信号通路;自我更新;分化 [gap=837]Keywords: Wnt; self-renew; differentiation 2 ?能力 ...主,且感染的神经元可长时间存活; 2.在HCMV 感染的NPC模型的基础上,进一步发现HCMV感染可导致NPC 丧失自我更新的能力(self-renew)和多分化潜能;3.在HCMV感染诱导NPC增殖分化异常机制上有新的突破。 3 ?自我年轻化 概念:癌症干细胞是指具有转移或种植潜能的癌细胞,具有“自我年轻化(self-renew)”的特征,可形成表型相似的成瘤癌细胞,也可形成增殖潜能有限的表型多样化癌细胞。
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These cells are termed cancer stem cells because, like normal stem cells, they possess the ability to self-renew and make differentiated progeny. 它们之所以像正常干细胞一样被冠以此名,是因为它们具有自我更新和形成分化子代的能力。 - 2
Neural stem cells have the potential to differentiate into neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes and to self-renew sufficiently to provide the Numbers of cells in the brain. 神经干细胞具有分化成神经元、少突胶质和星形胶质细胞的功能且能不断自我增殖。 - 3
Cancer stem cells, a small subset of cells found in solid tumors, have the capacity to self-renew and differentiate, initiate tumors and drive tumor growth, recurrence and metastasis. 肿瘤干细胞是在实体肿瘤中发现的一个小的细胞亚群,其具有自我更新和分化、引发肿瘤并促进肿瘤生长、复发和转移的能力。