...隙度 100% n V n V 裂隙率 溶隙率 100% r r V K V 理工大学工程兵工程学院 a、 容水度 ( specific water capacity ) b、含水量(water content) c、给水度( ) d、持水度(Sr) e、透水性(permeability) 渗透系数(K) 主要参数: 重量含...
... 非饱和水流扩散系数 diffusivity of unsaturated flow 单位容水度specific water capacity 分子扩散系数 coefficient of molecular diffusion ...
The parameters of Gardner and van Genuchten soil water characteristic curve models went up with the increase of clay content. 2 soil clay content has a great effect on specificwatercapacity.
Specific procedures will minimize the frequency of cleaning, working time, water and energy consumption, as well as the use of other utilities, while maximizing your capacity and productivity.
To overcome the deficiency of traditional control method based on coal-water ratio, a new way based on specific heat capacity is being proposed.