释义 |
1 ?页岩粘土 ... iron clay shale 含铁粘土质页岩 clay shale with low permeability 低渗透页岩 shale clay 页岩粘土 ... 2 ?页岩质粘土 ... 页岩质粘土 shale clay 板岩质粘土 板岩状粘土 slatyclay 片岩质的 schistose; schistous ...
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Coal deposits, after all, are petrified peat swamps, and peat is made from decaying plants, which leave their imprints in mud and clay as it hardens into shale stone. 毕竟煤炭矿床本身就是石化的泥炭沼泽,而泥炭的成份是腐烂的植物。当粘土泥浆逐渐硬化成页岩石,腐烂的植物则在上面留下了它们的印记。 - 2
Company production brick machine products are applicable to shale, gangue, coal ash, clay as material of brick making users. 公司生产的砖机产品适用于以页岩,煤矸石,粉煤灰,粘土等为原料的制砖用户。 - 3
The leaves of ferns, reeds, and other plants, are frequently found between layers of shale or slaty clay, beautifully perfect, but converted into coal. 我们通常能在页岩层和黏板岩层中发现蕨类植物,芦苇和其它植物的叶子,但是这些叶子都完全转变为了煤。