释义 |
1 ?饱和色 ... 饱和溶液 saturated solution 饱和色 saturated colour 饱和烃 saturated hydrocarbon ... 2 ?纯色 ... saturated color ==> 饱和 saturated colour ==> 纯色 saturated compounds ==> 饱和化合物 ... 3 ?彰色 ... 亲和色谱法 affinity chromatography; affinitychromatography 退饱和色 disaturated colours 彰色,饱和色。 saturated color; saturated colour ...
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For the dark tones, I chose 'Blenda Purple', a bright, mauve-purple colour and a Gompie Super, 'Smokey Purple' with a slatiness to the saturated colour and lovely for it. 深色的花我选“布兰德紫”,亮浅紫的花朵,还有一款超棒的“烟紫”,平平的花瓣凸显了色调的饱和和花的可爱。 - 2
The report used the red, amber and green colour coding from the labelling criteria to show whether levels of salt, sugar, fat and saturated fat per 100g are high, medium or low. 此项报告用标签标准的红色、琥珀色、绿色编码,来表示每100克食品中盐、糖、脂肪和饱和脂肪的水平是否过高、中等还是过低。 - 3
The colour, of a geranium, therefore, is said to be more intense, more highly saturated with pure orange-red than is mahogany. 因此,天竺葵中的纯净桔红色比红木的色彩更浓,饱和度更高。