释义 |
1 ?桑吉 桑吉(Sanchi)是佛教艺术及佛教建筑样式的故乡,是具有代表性佛教文化的地方便位于舍利塔和众多关口覆盖的山丘上,在佛教历史上占据特别的地位... 2 ?山崎 印度的山崎(Sanchi)、 阿 姜塔 (Ajanta)和 耶 罗惹 .. 3 ?三七 紧急求助汉译英,保证至少送200分_百度知道 关键词:三七;产业;情况;调查 [gap=1366]Key words:Sanchi,;industry;situation;research 4 ?桑奇 -桑奇(Sanchi):印度最古老的佛教区之一,现存一座大佛塔(Great Stupa),是阿育王时代的遗迹,也是印度的第一大塔.雕刻非常精美,不容错过.
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She convinced Margie and Meadow. Taking advantage of the opportunity that Sanchi and Dorjee were drunk, they stole their weapons. 她说服了胆小怯懦的玛吉和梅朵,趁着桑吉和多吉喝醉的机会,偷走了他们的武器。 - 2
As an effective blood - stanching herb, Sanchi (Radix Notoginseng) is approved in nearly 20 years and is cultivated widely with its sources ensured. 三七能在不到20年的时间得以被认可,主要是它有着良好的止血效果。广泛地栽培品种也保证其药品来源。 - 3
Yaoxitong capsule is composed with 22 kinds of traditional Chinese Medicine include Dahurian Angelica Root, Kusnezoff Monkshood Root, Himalayan Teasel Root, Twotoothed Achyranthes Root, Sanchi etc. 腰息痛胶囊是由白芷、草乌(制)、续断、牛膝、三七、威灵仙、秦艽、杜仲、何首乌、桑寄生、当归、赤芍等22味中药和化药对乙酰氨基酚组成的中西药复方制剂。