

单词 amicus curiae brief
amicus curiae brief
  • 简明释义
  • 友情出庭意见书:一种法律文件,由第三方(通常是利益相关者或专家)提交给法院,以提供有关案件的信息和建议。
  • 网络释义
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    ...以此身份出庭,很多研究者从事研究时潜意识里却似乎都时刻在琢磨着如何能够将研究论文转化成法庭之友意见amicus curiae brief),乃至什么样的研究题目可以更容易地改写成这种意见

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    (三) 法庭之友 ( Amicus curiae brief ) 33-38 (四) 商业机密信息(Business Confidential Information(BCI))的保护 38-41

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    虽然根据一些亚洲FTA的争端解决程序支持更高水平的透明度,并接受法庭之友陈述(Amicus Curiae Brief),但这种倾向更常见于亚洲国家与联盟或美国的FTA。

  • 权威例句
  • 1.

    This article is based on an amicus curiae brief in support of the petitioners in Hollingsworth v.

    WSJ: Nelson Lund: A Social Experiment Without Science Behind It

  • 2.

    The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), which again filed an amicus curiae brief in the case, called it a major victory for constitutional rights in the digital age.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • 3.

    However, with the old federal assault weapons ban having expired in 2004, there were already millions of such weapons in circulation at the time then Texas Solicitor General Cruz filed his amicus curiae brief.

    FORBES: Meet Ted Cruz-Second Amendment Hypocrite





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