释义 |
收缩隔离 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?收缩偏析 ... shrinkage rule ==> 缩尺,收缩比例尺 shrinkage segregation ==> 收缩偏析 shrinkage stope ==> 留矿采矿场,留矿采矿工作面 ...
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Is mainly the size effect and solidification, shrinkage, stress and other issues clearly, to avoid or reduce the segregation, iron manhole cover deformation and crack defects. 主要是明显的尺寸效应和凝固、收缩、应力等问题,避免或减少铸铁井盖的成分偏析、变形、开裂等缺陷的产生。 - 2
Our technical staff of high pressure boiler tube steel casting properties that mainly by casting metal liquidity, shrinkage characteristics, segregation orientation to comprehensive evaluation. 我们高压锅炉管的技术人员说钢的铸造性能主要由铸造时金属的流动性、收缩特点、偏析倾向等来综合评定。 - 3
Owing to both physical and chemical properties of metal material, there are inevitably shrinkage cavities, porosity and segregation in ingots. 由于钢锭内部不可避免地存在偏析、疏松、缩孔及微裂纹等冶金缺陷。