... out of gear ? 出的齿轮 Loose Packing ? 松散的包装 my job is a restore of very old cottages ? 我的工作是一个很旧茅屋的恢复 ...
E Esi order to delay the dawn of love ? E Esi 为延误的爱黎明 Loose Packing ? 散包装 The palm of your hand without nevus, so I won't remember you ? 没有痣的手掌你的手,所以我不会记得你 ..
Cross-sectioning reveals loosepacking of the cuticle and irregular thickness of cell wall.
It suggests that you are pretty loose with the packing, and thus well-travelled and effortlessly chic.
Usage: Machine is suitable for packingloose, non sticky powder material in the medicine, food, daily chemical and other industry, and automatic packing into sachets with measuring requirement.