释义 |
1 ?自然裂缝 ... 自然腐蚀试验field test 自然裂缝seasoning shake 自然破裂season cracking ...
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Cream filling, a new type of edible filling, traditional taste. For different kind of cake, bread, piping, ice cream, milk shake and other kinds of pastries decoration and seasoning. 本产品为乳状的馅类,是一种新型的食用馅类,正统味。可用于各种的蛋糕、面包、裱花、冰淇淋、奶昔、各式西点装饰上之调味馅。 - 2
This product is a new type of edible jam, suitable for all kinds of cakes, bread, ice cream, milk shake and other kinds of pastries decoration and seasoning. 本产品是一种新型的果味果酱,适用于各种蛋糕、面包、裱花冰淇淋、奶昔及各式西点装饰上之调味馅。 - 3
For different kind of cake , bread , piping , ice cream , milk shake and other kinds of pastries decoration and seasoning . 可用于各种的蛋糕、面包、裱花、冰淇淋、奶昔、各式西点装饰上之调味馅。