... 季节性尖峰负荷 seasonal peak load 季节性电费率 seasonal tariff 风干木材 seasoned wood ...
... 季节性水面 pool; 季节性税率 seasonal tariff; 季节性天气 seasonal weather; ...
季节关税(Seasonal tariff): 即对同一产品在不同进口时期适用高低不同之关税税率。这 类型关税措施最常用于农业产品,特别是那些生产具季节性之产 品,为避...
季节性费率 seasonal tariff 竞争性 competitiveness◇竞争性贬值 competitive depreciation; competitive devaluations; 竞争性递价 competitive bidding...
Possible solutions included customers across the country paying more for their water, or introducing a 'seasonal tariff' with increased charges during the summer months in the south west.
BBC: North Devon MP launches online water rates survey