马脑脊髓炎(东方或西方型)(Equine encephalomyelitis)(Eastern and Western) 马传染性贫血(Equine infectious anaemia) 马流感(Equine influenza) ..
...es 查看全文 下载全文 导出 添加到引用通知 下载PDF阅读器 DOI: 摘要: 马传染性贫血病(equine infectious anaemia,EIA)是由反转录病毒科慢病毒属的马传染性贫血病毒(equine infectious anaemia vi...
病毒 马传染性贫血病毒
Danedream was unable to defend her title due to an outbreak of equine infectious anaemia at the racing yard in the German city of Cologne where she is trained.
CNN: 2012: How horse racing became cool