招聘部门: 招聘部(SDGS) 职位性质: 全职
叶片中多数mRNA水平显著下降,这些降低表达的基因称衰老下调基因(senescence down-regulated genes, SDGs),如编码与光合作用有关的多数蛋白质的基因,随叶片衰老而其表达急剧下降。
...《口岸卫生控制》 2018年01期 收藏 | 投稿 | 手机打开 手机客户端打开本文 《世界卫生统计2017》:针对可持续发展目标(SDGs)的健康监测 刘洋 ?吴海磊 ?朱卫立 ? 【摘要】:正《世界卫生统计》系列出版物是世界卫生组织194个成员国的每年卫生统计数据汇编。
SDGs deserve deeper analysis of interconnections and synergies between goals, trade-offs, and indicators and targets.
UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences
That's why it is so crucial that we tackle child marriage head on in the forthcoming Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
CNN: Is this the beginning of the end of child marriage?
The global scientifi c community is ready to participate in the codesign of the SDGs and related measures.