释义 |
so far as that is concerned - 1
So far as prayer related to astrology is concerned, the Supreme Court has already considered the issue and ruled that astrology is science. 法官指出:“迄今为止,由于与占星学相关的祈祷,高等法院已考虑并裁定占星术是科学。” - 2
The answer, as far as IDEAcarbon is concerned, is a new sort of rating agency that will evaluate just how creditworthy, so to speak, each project is. IDEAcarbon认为,答案应该是建立一个新型的评级机构,评估每个项目的信用等级。 - 3
So far as China is concerned, during the first 11 months of this year, China has all together 1,265 commercial ships sailing through the route, that is, three to four ships per day on average. 就中国而言,今年1至11月,中国共有1265艘次商船通过这条航线,平均每天3至4艘次。