释义 |
1 ?修复作业 ... page reclamation 页面收复; 页式收复 polder reclamation 围垦地; 筑堤疏干围垦法 reclamation activities 修复措施; 修复作业 ... 2 ?修复措施 ...次分选,再生,纠正银行清算错误,纠正银行清算错误,荒地垦拓,回收,开垦,开拓,收回的请求 reclamation activities ==> 修复措施 reclamation and utilization of sewage ==> 污水回收利用 ..
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These activities include heap space re-sizing, reclamation of memory no longer used, moving data from one place to another and so on. 重新划分栈空间大小、回收不再被使用的内存、将数据从一处移到另一处等等。 - 2
Biological Reclamation refers to the use of biological, and other technical measures to restore soil fertility and biological productivity, and establish a stable layer of plant activities. 生物复垦是指采用生物等技术措施恢复土壤肥力和生物生产能力,建立稳定植物层的活动。