释义 |
1 ?木偶动画 木偶动画(PUPPET ANIMATION):以立体木偶而非平面素描或绘画来拍摄的动画影片。木偶动画片和黏土动画片等都属于定格动画。 2 ?宠物动画 息: 英文名称: Puppet Animation 中文名称: 宠物动画 概述: 非常可爱 格式: IPA 最新版本: 3.0 大小: 2.2 MB 语言: English / Japanese 升级: 2010-03-0 3 ?偶动画 三维动画的实质,是在电脑虚拟空间内的偶动画(PUPPET ANIMATION).没有必要一沾到高科技三个字,就把它神话得跟什么似的. 4 ?木头人动画 ...oc animation),模子动画(Model animation),实体动画(Object animation),真人电影动画(Pixilation),木头人动画(Puppet animation)这些个类型中还有细分定格动画有别于传统动画和pc动画,具备很是高的艺术体现性和很是真正的材质纹理建造时,先对对象举行取景,...
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He is committed to the Czech puppet animation of this traditional art form, and irrefutably the Czech puppet animation into the jungle giant, world-renowned master of animation frames. 他致力于木偶动画这种捷克传统的艺术形式,并无可辩驳地成为捷克木偶动画的开山巨擎、享誉世界的定格动画大师。 - 2
In the days before, my classmates and I made a short two-dimensional animation and two man-puppet animation clips, I made a pretty interesting man-puppet animation clips as my graduation design. 在之前的日子,我和同学一起制作了一个二维动画短片和两个偶动画短片,这次毕业设计我制作的是一个可爱有趣的偶动画短片。 - 3
Animation is a static frame animation, which is often said of our puppet shows.