...ty of this credit ? 必须将文件内提出的日期后21天内签发运输文件,但在这种信贷的有效性 production specification ? 生产规格 Still waiting for the market to start to stock ? 仍在等待开始股票市场 ..
...uction 蜂蜜生产技术规范 production specification 生产规格 ; 生产规范 ; 产品规格 ; 生产技术条件 Production Specification Level 产品规范等级 ..
...uction 蜂蜜生产技术规范 production specification 生产规格 ; 生产规范 ; 产品规格 ; 生产技术条件 Production Specification Level 产品规范等级 ..
The productionspecification of cleaning process for hollow ingots and the available issues of actual production have been introduced.
The quantity standard of manpower that the production unit qualified product consumes and material resources and financial resources is called it the quota under the fixed productionspecification.