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日本的叶子 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Pekoppa, literally meaning a nodding leaf in Japanese, is priced at 2,310 yen (26 dollars)。 Pekoppa在日语中意为“点头的叶子”,它的售价为2,310日元(合26美元)。 - 2
Pekoppa, literally meaning a nodding leaf in Japanese, is priced at 2, 310 yen (26 dollars). Pekoppa在日语中意为“点头的叶子”,它的售价为2,310日元(合26美元)。 - 3
Its Japanese rival, Nissan, displayed a pure electric plug-in car called the Leaf, which is already on the market in Japan and will hit US showrooms this year, arriving in Britain in 2012. 它的日本对手日产展示了一款纯电动充电轿车,名叫叶子,已在日本市场销售,今年将会在美国展示,2012年进入英国。