释义 |
- 静音车厢:指火车上的一节或多节车厢,乘客在此车厢内需保持安静,不得大声喧哗。
1 ?安静车厢 ...组会也未尝不可 如果您想安安静静地看书、学习或者睡觉,而旁边的人在手机上聊兴正浓,火车的最后一节车厢定为安静车厢(quiet car),不允许讲话或打手机 火车票并不对号入座,你可以找自己喜欢的位置随便入座和开车相比,坐火车的好处是可以得到休息,而且还可以在座...
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Although I'm not going to make prosecutions in any mean, I sincerely hope you to obey the rules of Quiet Car and respect the other passengers' right to enjoy their quiet MTR journeys. 尽管我不会向你作任何形式的检椌,但是我希望你可以遵守港铁静音车厢的规则,并且尊重其他正在使用静音车厢的乘客享有宁静的环境的权利。 - 2
The three of us, standing quiet as mourners around Mimo's car, stopped her short of the lobby door. 看到我们三个站在米姆的汽车周围,安静得象在送葬一样,她在营业室门口停了下来。 - 3
The car is quiet and efficient, but its handling and quality of finish fall short of most foreign carmakers' models. 此车安静、节能,但操控和外观质量达不到多数外国汽车制造商的汽车标准。