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拉……的头 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Instead, slam a spacecraft head-on into a dangerous rock to move it in a hurry, then fine-tune it with another spacecraft by using its gravity to pull the rock into a safe path. 而用航天器撞进危险的岩石,迅速移动它的位置,然后利用另一个航天器进行微调,并利用它的重力把这块石头拖进安全轨道。 - 2
Next, take the head gently in two hands and press it very slightly downward (do not pull), asking the mother to push at the same time, to deliver the front shoulder. 接下来,用两只手温柔的接住宝宝的头部,略微往下降一点(不要拉扯),同时要求妈妈用力推出宝宝,产出前肩部。 - 3
Next, take the head gently in two hands and press it very slightly downward (do not pull), pushing the baby out at the same time, to deliver the front shoulder. 接下来,用两只手温柔的接住宝宝的头部,略微往下降一点(不要拉扯),同时用力推出宝宝,产出前肩部。