The top of the line 2.33GHz Intel Core 2 Duo MBP with 2GB of RAM, as expected, was the leader of the pack, coming in with a Speedmark score of 226 ("19 percent faster than the older model"), and bested its companions in every category ranging from running Unreal Tournament 2004 to video Cinema 4D rendering.
ENGADGET: New Core 2 Duo MacBook Pros only see 10 percent speed bump
The Cube can also pack up to 1.5GB of memory, using four 512MB RAM DIMMs. As it ships with just 64MB of RAM, you'll need to add a whole bunch more.
CNN: Up close and personal with the Mac G4 Cube
It'd pack 2, 688 shader units, a 384-bit memory bus and 6GB of RAM, all with one chip -- for reference, the GTX 690 needs two GPUs to offer 3, 072 shader units and has 4GB of RAM.
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