释义 |
抛光、研磨 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
The products by drop forged, cold stamped, heat treatment, polishing, grinding, electroplating and other process. 产品经锻打、冷压、热处理、抛光、研磨、电镀等一系列工序。 - 2
The products by drop forged, cold stamped, heat treatment, polishing, grinding, electroplating and other processes. 产品经锻打、冷压、热处理、抛光、研磨、电镀等工艺。 - 3
The products by drop forged , cold stamped, heat treatment , polishing, grinding , electroplating and other processes. 产品经锻打、冷压、热处理、抛光、研磨、电镀等工序。