释义 |
- adj.不合理的;不理智的,无理性的;无推理能力的
1 ?不合理的 ... realmless无领域的 reasonless不合理的,无理性的,不理智的,无推理能力的 reckless鲁莽的,不顾后果的,粗心大意的,疏忽大意的careless粗心的,疏忽的,无忧无虑的,淡漠的 ... 2 ?不理智的 ... 不理会的 unheeding 不理智的 reasonless 不理睬 hide one's face from, ignore, look through ...
- 1
"Yincheng story" is based on the consciousness of individual life, reflecting the cruelty and anti-humanity of the reasonless history. 《银城故事》立足于个体生命意识,透视出无理性的历史之残酷、血腥与反人性的一面。 - 2
Therefore, generation companies(Gencos) have the motivation to carry out its market power in ord er to ga in reasonless excess-benefit. 因此,发电企业往往具有利用市场力操纵市场,以获得超额利润的动机。 - 3
The real focus is not the dome, of course, but what happens beneath it, the "orderless, reasonless beast that can arise when frightened people are provoked." 真正的焦点当然不是穹顶本身,而是发生在下面的事情,“当恐惧的人们一被激怒,无条理的、不理智的兽性出现了。”