释义 |
1 ?靴式开沟器 Shoe Runner(靴式开沟器), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
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When they determine whether you're an overpronator, underpronator, orneutral runner, they'll make shoe recommendations for you. 当他们决定你是过度足内翻,足内翻不足还是中立者,他们会给你推荐鞋。 - 2
The inside of a shoe is much more likely to be worn down for a runner who over-pronates. It is more common for flat-footed runners. 脚踝过度内翻的人通常会把鞋子的内侧先穿烂,在平足的人中更为常见。 - 3
You should wear performance-training shoes if you are a runner who wants a light, well-balanced shoe suitable for racing, speedwork, or daily training. 如果你在为竞赛、速度练习或者日常训练寻找一双轻便、平衡性好的跑鞋,那么性能训练跑鞋就是你的选择。