n. 灵魂;精神(soul的复数)
n. 帆;航行(sail的复数) | v. 扬帆;...
... 所属州: NC 名字: Sauls 姓: Wade ...
... 标签: Darin A Sutton 地址说明: Cir 街道地址: Sauls ...
Sanders Sauls or some other court proceeding could end up determining the election's outcome.
CNN: May It Please The Court
Sanders Sauls recused himself, held a session late into Friday night debating how to go about the recount.
CNN: Court ruling culminates tumultuous 24 hours in Florida
In this part of his judgment, the Gore team claims, Judge Sauls trespassed into areas reserved for appeals courts.
ECONOMIST: Al Gore??s legal options appear to be limited