导读:据英国广播公司9月9日报道,头戴防护头盔的两名男子于英国时间下午四点半威胁大曼彻斯特郡普雷斯特威奇(Prestwich)一家分行的员工,并携款逃跑。大曼彻斯特郡的警察说两名男子从伯里新路(Bury New .
... 所属州: ID 名字: Prestwich 姓: Don ...
Dr Reid was visiting a walk-in health centre in Prestwich, Greater Manchester, on Tuesday.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Lancashire | Reid takes up 'cancer bill' claim
The meeting, called by police and crime commissioner Tony Lloyd, took place at Greater Manchester Police's Sedgley Park Centre, Prestwich.
BBC: Summit held to tackle child grooming in Greater Manchester
In 1976, four people living in an apartment behind a mental hospital in Prestwich, England, formed a group called the Fall.
NEWYORKER: Plug and Play