释义 |
plus sense 英/ pl?s sens / 美/ pl?s sens / - 1
'it's small, but it's my own property and it gives me a sense of security. Plus, housing prices nowadays are so unstable, so I feel more secure keeping my own house,' she said. 她说,那间房子虽小,也是我的产业,在手里感觉还有点安全感,而且房价太不稳定了,还是有个房子心里踏实。 - 2
In that sense, Internet use is like a periscope: When users age 50-plus put theirs up, researchers have found, they're looking both backward and forward, toward the past and the future. 在这个意义上,互联网的使用像潜望镜:当使用者年龄50余岁时,研究人员已经发现,他们也在向后和向前的寻找,面向过去和未来。 - 3
That sense of adventure, plus the fact that "this candidate had obviously researched our company carefully and understood what we're about," impressed Fell enough to hire her. 她的冒险精神,再加上她“确实对我们公司进行过细致的研究,清楚地知道公司的情况”,使费尔印象颇深,也就此决定聘用她。