释义 |
- 继续耕作:指在困难或艰苦的情况下继续努力工作或前进。
- 1
Chinese farmers place great importance on Jingzhe, since it marks the start of spring plowing, one of the busiest times for farmers. 惊蛰标志着春耕的开始,因此中国农民非常重视这一节气,这是他们最忙碌的时候之一。 - 2
Rather than devoting themselves to hammering out a better plow or plowing a better field, the peasants of Montaillou did what was necessary to keep food on their table, but nothing more. 与其将他们的精力奉献在像打出一个更好的犁或者将地犁得更好这样的事情上,蒙太罗的农民们更愿意只做那些为了能保持维持饮食生活的必须工作,但仅仅如此而已。 - 3
Finally, at about 3 a.m., I worked out a deal on the prisoners with Netanyahu and Arafat, and we just kept plowing ahead until we finished. 约在凌晨3点,我终于同内塔尼亚胡和阿拉法特就囚犯问题达成一致意见;直到有结果前,我们一直辛勤耕耘。