释义 |
1 [化工]?反应塔 ... 反应速率理论 theory of reaction rate 反应塔 reaction column 反应通道 reaction channel ...
- 1
And on this basis, we do a dynamic experiments, we use a 10l of the reaction column, continuous experiments. 并在此基础上进行了动态试验,利用10l的反应柱,进行连续试验。 - 2
It consists of FIA system, semiconductor thermostat, immobilized enzyme reaction column, thermal sensor and data collection module. 主要由流动注射分析系统、半导体恒温器、固定化酶反应柱、量热传感器、数据采集模块组成。 - 3
If you take some from column one or two and you mix it with some from column eight and nine, bingo, you have reaction. 如果你从第一列或者第二列中选出一些元素,将其与第8列或者第9列的元素混合,好,就会发生化学反应。