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前哥伦布 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
In certain pre-Columbian Inca societies, groups were sent from the home territory to establish permanent satellite communities or colonies in distant tropical forests or coastal locations. 在某些前哥伦布时期的印加社会中,一些团体从本土被派往遥远的热带森林或沿海地区,建立永久的卫星社区或殖民地。 - 2
The undisputed pre-Columbian presence in Oceania of the sweet potato, which is a New World domesticate, has sometimes been used to support Heyerdahl's "American Indians in the Pacific" theories. 在哥伦布发现美洲大陆之前,大洋洲无可争议地存在着一种在新大陆被驯化的红薯,它有时被用来支持 Heyerdahl 的“太平洋上的美洲印第安人”理论。 - 3
Well, it apparently is not so obvious because in the Americas, before Columbus came-- " pre-Columbian America-- there were no wheeled vehicles anywhere. 好吧,从表面上看这似乎不那么显而易见,因为在美洲大陆,在哥伦布到来之前-,在“前哥伦比亚美洲-,根本没有任何轮式交通工具存在。