

单词 Plain English Campaign
Plain English Campaign
  • 简明释义
  • 简明英语运动:一个旨在推广使用简单易懂的英语的组织,致力于消除官僚主义和行业术语,以便更多人能够理解和使用英语。
  • 英英释义
  • abstract:
    • 1

      Plain English Campaign (PEC) is a commercial editing and training firm based in the United Kingdom. Founded in 1979 by Chrissie Maher, the company positions itself as a leader in plain-language advocacy, working to persuade organisations in the UK and abroad to communicate with the public in plain language.

  • 双语例句
  • 1
    Thee Plain English Campaign cited other examples including: "May irritate eyes"--on a can of self-defense pepper spray;
  • 2
    The British Plain English Campaign annually hands out the prize for the most nonsensical remark made by a public figure.
  • 3
    The rest of the top 10 in the poll, commissioned by an insurance company after it won an award from the Plain English Campaign, were
    这项民意调查由一家保险公司委托开展,之前该公司获得了“简明 英语运动组织”颁发的一个奖项。 该调查评选出的十大不知所云语录还包括




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