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1 ?带油门着陆 ... landing stall speed 着陆形态失速速度 power landing 带油门着陆 power-on landing 带油门着陆 ...
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That's one reason why gas turbines work so well in aircraft; other than taxing, landing, or taking off, the engine runs at high pressure, high power and high temperature. 燃气轮机在航空作业中处于高温高压和高能的状态下,其性能远远优异于滑行,着陆和起飞阶段。 - 2
Lasers beamed from landing craft could, he says, power rovers in sunless areas of the moon or Mars, such as craters where water might be found. 他说,登陆飞行器传送的激光能够为月亮或火星上阳光不足之地的漫游探测器提供能量,比如在水源可能存在的火山口这种地方。 - 3
Eventually, Larry worked up the nerve to shoot a few balloons and slowly descended, landing in power lines. 最终拉里鼓起勇气击破了几个气球慢慢地下降,停在电线上。