释义 |
- n.凹陷;金属表面的腐蚀,点状腐蚀;把游戏玩家带到一起战斗
- v.使留下疤痕,挖坑于;除去……的核;(比赛中途)停车加油;窖藏(pit 的现在分词)
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能源科学技术 点蚀 ESPI can be used as a laboratory technique to monitor the initial pitting susceptibility of metals. 激光电子散斑干涉技术可以做为一种实验室方法监测金属早期点蚀敏感性。 点腐蚀 The precise residual life prediction is based on plenary data. If there are adequate history data on occasions, the statistics method of prediction for residual life-span can be applied, especially for that of pitting corrosion. 精确的剩余寿命预测需要充分的数据作基础,如果在历史数据足够的情况下,可以考虑应用统计方法进行剩余寿命预测,尤其是对统计规律比较强的点腐蚀来说更是如此。
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