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It also responds to shoulder, elbow, and advanced wrist movements (including pitch, roll, and yaw), more than ever before. 它可以做出肩、肘以及腕部的复杂动作(包括上下翻动、左右摇晃以及侧向移动),这在以前是不曾有过的。 - 2
On the basis of hardware in existence, the algorithm can make use of the journey and provide fidelity sense of pitch, roll, yaw, heave, surge and sway motion. 该算法在不增加系统硬件的前提下,充分利用液压缸现有行程,逼真地模拟飞机俯仰、滚转、偏航、升降、纵向和侧向平移运动。 - 3
CONTROL SURFACE, Moveable panels on wings and tail for movement of airplane on pitch, roll and yaw axes. 操纵面,机翼和机尾上的可动面板,用以操纵飞机俯仰,坡度,和偏航运动。