释义 |
1 ?豆状构造 Pisolitic Structure(豆状构造), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 2 ?豆状结构 ... pisolitic limonite 豆褐铁矿 pisolitic structure 豆状构造 ; 豆状结构 pisolitic texture 豆状结构 ...
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Their main mineral is kaolinite, usually in pisolitic, oolitic or clastic structure. - 2
The major ores of this deposit have a banded(streaky), pisolitic or oolitic structure. 条带(条纹)状和豆鲕状构造是本矿床的主要矿石构造。 - 3
Texture Type of Ore. Because of intensive epegenetic enrichment, the average content of Gallium in honeycomb structure is higher than that in pisolitic, oolitic structure and massive structure. 从矿石结构类型来看,蜂窝状矿石中的镓品位明显高于豆、鲕状和致密状矿石。