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了公园 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?市郊公园 ... 室外天然干燥 Out-door seasoning 市郊公园 Out-of-city park 市郊公园 Out-of-town park ...
- 1
The neighborhood’s main attraction, however, is Glen Canyon Park, a 70-acre swath of city-owned wilderness nestled in a sweeping ravine and just out of sight of several major roads. 邻近的主要引人之处要算Glen Canyon Park(格兰峡谷公园)。 这片面积70英亩的狭长市属旷野依偎在连绵的峡谷中,恰好位于几条主干路的视野之外。 - 2
Ben and I were out of there in a flash, running back down the path (turns out we weren't so lost), straight back in to City Park, and all the way home. 我和本马上冲出去,沿着小路一直往前跑回城市公园(原来我们其实没怎么迷路),一路狂奔回家。 - 3
In order to better its environment, Shanghai, China's largest and most populous city is planning to build a forest park spreading out over 300 hectares of land, to be known as the "Super Green Lung". 为了改善环境,中国最大的,人口最密的城市-上海,正在计划建造一座占地300多公顷的森林公园,称为“超级绿肺”。