Unlike the Object Mapping specification, the Vocabulary specification is more of an outline that a true specification at this stage.
You can find a detailed outline of service specification modeling in the "Modeling SOA: Service Specification" article from the "Modeling SOA" series by Jim Amsden (see Resources).
您可以在 Jim Amsden 所写的“SOA 建模”(参见 参考资料)系列中的文章“SOA 建模:服务规范”中找到服务规范建模的详细概述。
Skilled Tradesman Outline of the job The job holder will be responsible to assemble equipment within the workshop, at site or within suppliers' workshops to meet the required specification.
License to drive an overhead crane 熟练安装工 工作概况 这项工作是负责在车间、现场或供应商的车间装配合乎规格的设备,它们将被用于金属制造工业。